Ms. Sahana Uchil's Class


Teacher's Desk  

Hello and welcome to our class website.  We are students of 4th grade class of Upper Elementary School, Madison, Illinois.  We are a group of excited and motivated learners who enjoy hands-on learning experience and truly learn and have fun at the same time.  More information about our school can be found at

Welcome to Ms. Sahana Uchil's Class. Take a look at What's New in our web.

What's New

The following is a list of recent additions to our web. Whenever we make any changes, or add anything NEW to our web, we'll put a notice here. Every month we'll remove the oldest items. The most recent changes are listed first, and each item is linked to the page with the updated content.

May 01, 2000

Schedule for the month of May has been added.

April 25, 2000

Added our class list.

April 20, 2000

Added Teacher Resources to the web page.
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Copyright © 2000 Ms. Sahana Uchil
For problems or questions regarding this web page contact Ms. Sahana Uchil
Last updated: May 17, 2000.